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I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday full of FUN!!

Highlight of the day---Curt and Julie called!!! The kids talked about it all day! Well, we got up had breakfast and got dressed. We went to the library to a puppet show story time and even picked up some books. Then off to CHUCK E CHEESE! It was cold and wet today so we stayed indoors. We got home and mad dashed around getting the house ready for a realtor to come. Then baths and got ready for church. Busy day but we had fun! Tomorrow is the make and take at the library 2-4 and then molly starts her puppy training class at 6:30! We will see what else we can find to do.

1 comment:

Gene Holley said...

Y'all sound extremely busy! Glad you are having fun.