Welcome to Our little spot on the internet!
I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Look out Lufkin here we come!

Look out Lufkin here we come!!!!!
2 vans full of crusader campers heading out at 4:30am. They are all so excited!! Keep them in your prayers we want to bring them all back filled with the Holy Spirit! It's going to be a great week!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer has begun

Summer is:

Staying up late .......and sleeping in
playing in the pool.......or the water sprinkler
Bike rides.......relaxing on the porch swing
Mowing the blooming
youth camp......humidity in Lufkin
kids giggling and giggling and giggling!!!

I love to hear the laughter and fun of summer. I just wish it was not sooooooooo HOT!

We are going to Lufkin for youth camp next week with the kids. Its gonna be fun and I will have lots of pictures then.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sonic give away YUMMY!

Yes I have checked my sources......My cousin is a district owner/manager.....Wednesday night after church I know where we are going!
Sonic is giving away free root beer floats from 8pm-midnight.

And no strings attached....just go up and order a root beer float! Yummy hope you all enjoy!