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Friday, August 29, 2008

God is so awesome!

Ok let me say first I am not trying to pin roses on me today. I am just excited about the way God does things!!! Most of you know that I have a blessing (some may call a curse) I can usually get a donation given to me from companies pretty easy. There it is the word is out LOL. I really don't like doing this, believe it or not I get all nervous and clam up sometimes, but I know God has given me a talent and I must use it for His work. Well this year I really felt I wanted to help kids/families who needed help with school supplies. Bro. Holley said do what you can that would be great. Several business have given me money to be used for supplies and that I am grateful for. Saints in the church have given gentle used backpacks and other supplies. This is how it got started. So I told the principal at my kids school if there was a need to let me know. I have had until today 6 names that we LIFE TAB have been able to help. Every back pack has info about life tab. It also has a note I typed up telling the family thank you for letting us bless you child this year. And that this back pack had been prayed over for your child and family. I really felt this was part of what I must do. And the Principal was ok with everything. I have had the privilege of several parents coming to me and thank me for the blessing. But today was the greatest day yet. First this morning the teacher of one recipient child came to me a said Julie "this little girls mom wanted me to thank you so much." I found out the towel that we purchased was the exact towel that this little girl had begged for from her mother. Her mother told her honey there is no way I can buy you that towel it is to much you will have to take a towel from our closet for nap. Kindergarten is a time to have joy for all those firsts in life. I hate that parents have to struggle and it becomes a burden. God new what towel that little girl wanted and I believe he directed me right to it! I love these blessings and how God directs our path. He listens to the children and the desires of their hearts. Today was number 7 that WE at LIFE TAB have been able to help. I was in a store and overheard a child asking his mom "could we pleeeeease buy my school supplies?" Her reply was your teacher is going to have to wait momma just doesn't have the money yet. I promise somehow we will get them soon. I then heard her call her mom and say "mom I know you can't help but what do I do?" Of course by know my ears were in full ease drop mode (I know ease dropping is wrong but I think God sometimes approves it LOL). My heart was breaking for this little boy. I said to myself Lord help me to not look nosy but let me help. I had already pulled out a church card, wrote my name and number on it, gotten the last of the vouchers for office depot out of my purse ready for God to work it out. Next thing I know This child turned came around the corner and ran right into me. Yep that is how God uses Kids! The Mom started apologizing I said you know what it is ok your child was meant to run into me. Of course she had a puzzled look on her face. I then told her I must apologize for ease dropping, but that if you would except I would love to help. I handed her the church card and the gift vouchers. I told her to call me that I had backpacks at home and would be glad to give her one. I told her this is a ministry MY CHURCH does and her little boy ran into me so a door could be opened. By this time we both had tears in our eyes. She looked at the card a said this is the church on the HILL I have thought about visiting , but I did not know anyone. I said yes and we would love for your to visit sometime, and now you do know someone. She began to tell me her mother has been encouraging her to start back to church and get her child involved in Sunday school or kids church. That she would find strength in a difficult time in the house of God. Her Mom attends a large nondenominational church in Dallas. She promised she would come. She said that this Sunday she will go with her mother in Dallas and be at ours the next service. I love it when God opens a door. The seed is planted now we just water it with prayer and watch it grow. Sometimes the soil is rocky and hard, but when the rain falls moisture gets in and loosens up the soil. Sorry for the long Post, but I had to share the blessings from the LORD! She just called and thanked me again for all I did. I met her at Office Depot to give her the backpacks. The kids played with her son and I helped her pick out school supplies. The voucher at office depot was able to buy everything she needed for her sons class. As we walked to the car she began to cry and tell me thank you again its really nice to know some one cares! Thanks God for such a wonderful blessing today!!!!


Karla said...

OK - now I have tears in my eyes! This is awesome!! God is so incredible. Thanks for being sensitive and "eavesdropping!" LOL!

Linda Elms said...

Julie, this is awesome! I'm sitting in a restaurant and really didn't want to cry, but almost did! God loves to bless people and loves to use His people. Thank you for being sensitive! You sure make God proud! Love You!

Michelle said...

Thanks for sharing this, it was wonderful!

Keith and Carla said...

This is awesome! I love how God works through His people when they are sensitive to Him.

Joseph James said...

Okay... to be honest I didn't read the whole story... now that I am reading the comments I will have to go back and do so! lol I just had to stop right away and say..."What?" You mean you really don't enjoy going and asking people to help donate things?! But you are SOOO good at it! lol How funny... everyone knows you're the best at it and it isn't even in your comfort zone... isn't that just the way God likes to use us? lol

Kim said...

Good Post, I love how the Lord works.

Madison S. said...

Yes Joseph I am sorry to surprise you but although most may think I can talk up a storm, put me in front of people I don't know or even in front of a microphone by myself I FREEZE. I only go and ASK for the church or when the Lord is really dealing with me about a need. I am the type that would rather just get in there and do it myself then ask for help.