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I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Road Rage with a Rabbit!

Well thats what we are calling it!!! Last Saturday we decided to make some more memories! we went with Curtis and Julie and the kids to Lake Wichita! We loaded up our bikes and all went on a loooooong bike ride at least 4 miles!!! I didn't think i was gonna make it :) I did but coughing all the way I don't think it was to smart of me to go but it was for the kids.... Well you are all wondering what does this have to do with a rabbit? Madison was riding her bike ahead of us and a rabbit ran out in front of her....wouldn't you know it she paid more attention to the rabbit then riding the bike. She lost control, flipped over the handle bars (bent them backwards), Her hat and one shoe flew off in opposite directions, and she was sitting there sobbing with scraps and scratches all over. What a sight!! After no broken bones and seemingly all was well we went on. Come Monday at school her arm swelled up and she was hurting....she is now on antibiotics and we are treating one scrap as though it were a burn. I think my little Blondy got beat out by the rabbit. But when asked at school what happened this was her title for her story "road rage with a rabbit and he won" What kids come up with just crack me up! I am glad they can laugh and bring so much laughter to us!


Michelle said...

Now you have to ask yourself, what little girl wouldn't be more concerned about a rabbit than herself? Poor Madison, I hope the scrap heals up fast!

Linda Elms said...

LOL! Julie, I love her comment! That's great! Thanks for sharing it with us. Also, I hope she's doing much better. Tell her I love her.

Madison S. said...

She is healing well....Sis Ritalooked at it last night and it is looking great!