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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise The Lord!!!!

Well the Lord has done it again!!! Both my Mom and Dad were released from the hospital today! Mom has a little road to recovery still. She has been diagnosed with asthma and her bronchitis was pretty bad but it is under control now. Dad on the other is a complete MIRACLE! Yesterday the doctors were still trying to figure out the blockage because everything they tried was not working. They decided to do a more in depth cat scan to see if it was scar tissue or even a tumor blockage. Well God stepped in right on time. The cat scan people were busy yesterday and so they could not take dad until around 8:30 last night. Wouldn't you know that is when prayer and rejoicing was going up at Bro. Hunts church in Lufkin, and the grand babies were saying bed time prayers in Wichita Falls. God heard our prayers!!! The dismissal papers the doctor wrote said SPONTANEOUSLY UNBLOCKED!!! I know what it should say DOCTOR JESUS' "OPERATION SUCCESSFUL BLOCKAGE REMOVED"! Thank you everyone for your many prayers and words of encouragement over the last week! All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD and THANK YOU JESUS!!!!


Michelle said...

God is SO good! This is an awesome report, thanks for sharing!!

Lynda said...

That is wonderful!!! Praise the Lord!!!!

Roxana said...

What an amazing God we serve!!!!

Gene Holley said...

Awesome! God is so good!

Keith and Carla said...

God is SO good!