Welcome to Our little spot on the internet!
I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Great week

We have had a great week so far! Secret sister revealing was last night and we had a blast. of course tradition has several of us make a trip to walmart after to go shopping with out kids. Tonight is church and Thursday our walk-a-ton for mother memorial. After visiting with friends last night we all talked about our kids of course. I have been told I must share my sweet baby boys words. Kids are so Innocent. On Sunday after Bro. Russo talked to the church about our new adventure. Mason's sweet innocence was just great. He looked up to his father and said, "daddy maybe the church will vote you in as pastor!" Todd of course said no I don't think that will happen, I am not a pastor. At least he has the confidence in his father to take him to heaven. I know who ever God decides to send to life Tabernacle will be wonderful and my children will learn to love them just as much as they love The Elms!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


One year ago today a beautiful lady in our life went home to be with the Lord. We miss granny dearly but we hold on to that we will see her in heaven someday! The memories were so great today. I don't think the kids really realized today was the day, but they were reminiscing. Little things said like "Granny wanted to live on a farm....she always promised daddy when we get a farm we can have this stuff..hey maybe Granny told God we needed this land?" Mason had even spent the night at a friends last night and the mother called me today to tell me something so precious. She had made pancakes (homemade much like Granny's) this morning and Mason loves peanut butter and syrup on them. Mandy was cooking and something told her to ask Mason if he wanted Peanut butter melted on his pancakes. He was amazed "how did you know!" She said something just told me to ask. He told her that it must have be his GRANNY angel letting her know the way SHE would have fixed them for him!!! Oh the little things are so great in our hearts! I smile with tears of joy of the precious memories we have in our lives!

The New Adventure!

We worked hard today building a gate on our land! Madison made a sign while we were working it says THE SHAHAN 'S FARM. The kids were so cute. They started playing baby horse and cow. Oh what a new version of playing house! The new Memories that are to come are going to be keepers! Hope you enjoy the pictures of my little ranch hands working hard!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Birthday singing!

Happy Birthday

Well my baby boy has turned 7!! Happy birthday Mason! His birthday was Sunday! We had a great weekend at my mom and dads house. Aunt Kim made a great cake for Mason and it was Yummy! Mason got his weekend started with a trip to build a bear in grapevine and after fun with the family before we came home we went to Medieval Times. He is having his party in a few weeks at the Plex. Just boys and video games and race cars! More pictures to come.

Baby Kitty

We found a baby Kitten on our door step! The adventure began on an early Monday morning. Todd went into daddy mood. We put it in warm blankets and and tried to get it to drink some milk. Off to work we went and Todd came home to check on him a few hours later. A few hours after that we brought Madison home sick from school. I told Madison she just wanted to play with the kitty. Not really! Well after much TLC and and a trip to the vets Baby Jordan Sylvester Went to heaven. We had a funeral in the back yard with prayer and all. The kids were sad but we could use this as a learning experience. And they are doing fine now!

Easter outfits

Yes I know it is a little late but here is the handsome suit and tie and
Madison's big girl easter outfits. And a few easter egg pics from the church!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Madison's PTO program

They were so cute here is a short video of Madison's 2nd grade classes song. They are a pretty wild little bunch their song was appropriate. Madison was so funny this morning at school...she was comparing her amount of people at the program to another child's. She loves to be a star! Thank you Aunt Julie, Ashton, Pappy and gang for coming to the program!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise The Lord!!!!

Well the Lord has done it again!!! Both my Mom and Dad were released from the hospital today! Mom has a little road to recovery still. She has been diagnosed with asthma and her bronchitis was pretty bad but it is under control now. Dad on the other is a complete MIRACLE! Yesterday the doctors were still trying to figure out the blockage because everything they tried was not working. They decided to do a more in depth cat scan to see if it was scar tissue or even a tumor blockage. Well God stepped in right on time. The cat scan people were busy yesterday and so they could not take dad until around 8:30 last night. Wouldn't you know that is when prayer and rejoicing was going up at Bro. Hunts church in Lufkin, and the grand babies were saying bed time prayers in Wichita Falls. God heard our prayers!!! The dismissal papers the doctor wrote said SPONTANEOUSLY UNBLOCKED!!! I know what it should say DOCTOR JESUS' "OPERATION SUCCESSFUL BLOCKAGE REMOVED"! Thank you everyone for your many prayers and words of encouragement over the last week! All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD and THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cute pics

Here is a couple pictures of the brownie troop selling cookies!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Road Rage with a Rabbit!

Well thats what we are calling it!!! Last Saturday we decided to make some more memories! we went with Curtis and Julie and the kids to Lake Wichita! We loaded up our bikes and all went on a loooooong bike ride at least 4 miles!!! I didn't think i was gonna make it :) I did but coughing all the way I don't think it was to smart of me to go but it was for the kids.... Well you are all wondering what does this have to do with a rabbit? Madison was riding her bike ahead of us and a rabbit ran out in front of her....wouldn't you know it she paid more attention to the rabbit then riding the bike. She lost control, flipped over the handle bars (bent them backwards), Her hat and one shoe flew off in opposite directions, and she was sitting there sobbing with scraps and scratches all over. What a sight!! After no broken bones and seemingly all was well we went on. Come Monday at school her arm swelled up and she was hurting....she is now on antibiotics and we are treating one scrap as though it were a burn. I think my little Blondy got beat out by the rabbit. But when asked at school what happened this was her title for her story "road rage with a rabbit and he won" What kids come up with just crack me up! I am glad they can laugh and bring so much laughter to us!

Praise The Lord

Thank you all for your many prayers!!!!! Here is my miracle report! As several knew I had been sick and my asthma had been really bad. I would cough so hard my whole body ached. And I would just gasp for breath. At night was the worst. I could not even sing in worship service w/o coughing and wheezing Sunday. Just to talk would set me off into a coughing tangent. I know the devil was working on me because every time I tried to worship it would happen. I would get so out of breath I felt like saying whats the use even after being prayed for. Well I told the devil to back off and asked God to help me. Then I was motioned to the platform to praise sing I said Ok God its up to you! Because there is nooooo way I can sing and cough and wheeze at the same time, but I get such a blessing when I am using my talents for the Lord and I just couldn't give in to the devil! Well the service was awesome and the power of God took over. I must say I have hardly even sneezed since I put everything I had into my worship fighting the whole way. I have grown up trusting in the power of God and know he can do anything! But sometimes the devil just sneaks in and tries to rain on your parade. Don't let the devil rain on you just put up your Holy Ghost umbrella and laugh in his face! Let your HG umbrella bring you though and always remember the SON will shine again! Please keep my Mom in your prayers she is fighting this same asthma stuff and having a rough time of it! Also my dad is having some trouble. They think he may have a intestinal blockage or twist please be in prayer that the medicines he is now on will reverse this and further procedures will not have to be taken. This has happened before and it is really hard on him so please be in prayer. This all stems back to previous surgeries. We know a God who can do anything! Nothing is to big or small!!!! Thank you for your prayers!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I have been sick all week!!!!! I am sick of being sick! My asthma and allergies turned into a horrible sinus infection and bronchitis. If I have not been blowing my nose I have been coughing. I am just wore out! I have some pictures but just haven't felt well enough to post. Pictures of the kids that is..... I am at school today and thought I would type a little note. To let everyone know why i have not posted in a few days! Hope to see everyone on Sunday!