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Monday, August 25, 2008

The answers are in:

Ok left to right is Sis. Barb Ouellette, Sis. JoAnn Holley, Sis.Kathy Hitchcock (whom I do not know) and a self portrait of Linda Shahan. You have to remember this was also done almost 18 years ago. Way to go Lori on your guess and Michelle these were pretty tricky. Thanks everyone for guessing!


Michelle said...

Well, two out of four is still 50%!! I thought that was Sis Shahan, I kept looking, and yep, it looked like Madison!

Joseph James said...

I remember watching her draw this picture. If I remember correctly... she was just doing some sort of a rough sketch before doing the real one.

These types of gifts are so incredibly precious. Isn't it funny to see what matters over time? Definantly not anything we seem to use so much of our money for.