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I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Day of School!

Well Monday has finally come and school has started. Saturday the kids were driving us crazy and we couldn't wait for Monday to get here. But know as I sit and type this post it is almost silent in the house. OK I am ready for 1pm early release today. Give me my kids back!!! Just kidding I know they are in great hands. There are many christian teachers and staff at their school. They even have 2 UPC Holy ghost filled saints of Life Tab at their school. Madison my big 3rd grader thankfully did not take off and leave me. She asked me to take pictures and help her put her stuff away. I even got a hug and a little kiss on the check!!!! Mason my big 2nd grader well he is mom's baby boy!!! He gave me lots of kisses and hugs with out hesitation. We unpacked his stuff and he got busy on his morning work!


Lynda said...

Hope Madison and Mason had a wonderful first day of school.

Mandy said...

Wow! What a fun day! They look so big and all grown up! There teachers look like they'll be great! I hope they have a wonderful year!!!

Michelle said...

Looks like they had a wonderful first day!

Gene Holley said...

Congratulations on a great first day! Remember to CHOOSE RIGHT! God WILL use you.

Madison S. said...

Thanks again Bro. Holley for the right words. You are right God will use you. Madison talked about choosing right all the way home tonight and that Bro. Holley her Pastor said she could really be used. I think sometimes the kids need to hear it from someone else. Mom and Dad tell them this and that are fixing to start, but until they hear it from someone in charge that really knows it is fixing to start. Then they get excited about being used.