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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mason's new JOB

I don't know that I will be able to get a picture of this one, but he is so excited about his new job! The funniest part is he did not tell Todd and I about it until Bro. Holley told us. He said he didn't want to get in trouble for being on the platform... and we had not seen him yet, LOL.
I informed him if Bro. Holley asked you to do something you will not get in trouble. Your pastor would never ask you to do something that would get you in trouble. So now he is telling everyone his important job...even the lady at the grocery store that we don't know. But if Mason is excited about our church then shouldn't it make others excited to see kids that excited. God could use that excitement to draw someone to our church. When the Holley's came Bro. Holley preached a mission for Life Tab and everyone is getting so excited. The kids have been hearing this and that about different ministries for weeks. They both are ready to be so involved. Mason my little man, Who proudly states every time we get ready for church, that one day he is going to be a PASTOR! Mason has been asking mommy how can I be used at church...What can I do to help our Pastor??? I told him we would just pray about it and God would give him a special JOB! Well God never fails us and Mason says he has the best job anyone could ask for....PASTOR"S ASSISTANT...that's what he calls it. Every service when Bro. Holley comes in he sets his bible on the alter and it is Mason's responsibility to take it to the platform during greeting time. This is so Bro. Holley can go greet saints and visitors and not have to worry about his bible. You should see him beam with pride that he is helping HIS PASTOR! We always pray for God to use us and our children. And it is pure JOY to see God using your children in the house of the Lord! I love the excitement that is in the air. Todd and I have stayed up several nights until 1-2am just talking about THIS & THAT ideas for outreach. Its so hard to just shut things off when the Excitement is in the AIR! Life Tabernacle has always been a revival church and on fire.....Its just like a new wind is blowing and stirring up some of those Holy Ghost embers in the fire and they are coming alive in new ways!!!


Lynda said...

How exciting!! I think that is wonderful. Congratulations, Mason on your new VERY important job. What an honor!

Ashley said...

It is woderful that the kids are so excited about the things that are happening at church. I believe this will be what keeps them saved.

Michelle said...

This is so cute! He will be a wonderful Pastor's Assistant!

Roxana said...

Wow! You know Bro Holley didn't pick just anybody! He choose someone who really wanted to be used for the kingdom of God! Congratulations on your new job, Mason! I'm sure you will be faithful to the call!