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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jesus, Santa and an Elf!!!

Wow that sure is a group LOL! Madison learned more verses today and asked me to have her money so she could feel the Wii jar back up. Of course I gave her the money and the next thing I heard was a scream. Mommy there is a lot of money in our jar!!! Nobody has been home how did this happen? Mason said Santa did it Madison said Santa doesn't come until Christmas eve. Madison then said Jesus told Santa to tell an Elf to put money in our Wii jar WOOOOW!!! I asked her why she thought that? Madison said well God must have seen how much Mason and I gave to help build Bro. Princes church and he is blessing us back. Remember you can never out give God he always blesses you back! We counted the money to see how much was there $188.oo that is pretty good. Only $62 more dollars to go. I think they both went to bed tonight reading over the word of God trying to study by osmosis and learn a few more bible quiz verses.

1 comment:

Karla said...

Aww!! I can't wait 'til they get the rest. That's awesome!!