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I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kids and Quizzing

The kids are doing great in school. Mason's grades have really improved since we started working on quizzing. Its funny how you think one child will do better and then they shock you. Mason can spit out his verses and correct his sister it is so funny. Madison on the other hand is not showing much interest. I have to make her work on her verses. I think she could do really great at this, but she is not seeing that its time now to learn. She thinks she can wait until we start practicing at church. Well I am sure Sis. Christina will get ahold of her. I have been very busy with my classes and my new teaching position. Sorry the blog has been lacking :( Hope you are all having a blessed day. Keep our kids in your prayers as they put the word of God in their hearts.

1 comment:

Gene Holley said...

So glad the kids are doing good in school and quizzing! You have my prayers.