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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bragging rights!

I have bragging rights! This year has been a challenge for me at my job. I have worked in the Special Ed Dept. all year. All of our kids are in regular ed classes, its called inclusion! These kids are pulled to work one on one, They get lots of tutoring and help AKA my job! I have really had to dig deep and remember way way way back.....but I did it. I have really enjoyed working with "MY KIDS".......Well I know the teachers get 99% of the credit but I am bragging on my kids! We got TAKS scores back today and some of my kids who have never passed a TAKS Passed this year!
I even had several that got Commended!!! They ALL passed this year!!!! They have worked sooo hard this year and I am sooooo proud! I know its not my doings but it feels good being part of it all! You should have seen these kids faces when we told them that they passed and even got commended! I couldn't help but cry like a proud momma!


Linda Elms said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Julie, that is wonderful and you have every right to be proud!

Karla said...

WOW!! I have tears in my eyes. That is just incredible. Congratulations!!!

Michelle said...

You have every right to brag, those kids were blessed to have you in their lives!

Madison S. said...

I still have tears in my eyes... these kids work so hard. And they know I pray for them. Each of them told me again today...Mrs. Shahan I know I passed because I tried hard, but I also know you prayed for me. I have been blessed to be a witness to these kids I have several who want to come to church with me. Just got to talk to their parents.