Welcome to Our little spot on the internet!
I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Mason is 6!!!

Mason is now 6!!! Happy Birthday Big Boy! Friday was the big day. We went to The Plex and road go-karts. Then on saturday we went to CHUCK E CHEESE with Grammy(mason has changed it from gramma) and Grammpa! We had fun. We are working on planing a party soon. Mason is not to worried about it. We have just been a little busy with granny and freindship sunday! He understands and knows we will do it soon!

God Is good!

Well, this weekend was a busy one. Mom and Dad Shaw came up to see Mason for his birthday. And the kids have been asking to be baptized! So on Sunday morning they were baptised. Both of them came up praying and the Holy Ghost was all over them. They will get it soon. Oh I can't wait!!!! But, Wesley, my nephew, did get the Holy Ghost Sunday night! It was soooo great! Wesley got baptized a few weeks back and I am including pictures of him to.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Clowning Around

Madison's PTA program was really good tonight. She did a great job on her solo and speaking part. Here is one picture for now. I will post more tomarrow hopefully!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Here they are! Bluebonnets!!!!!

Our Saturday!

Well, we traveled down to Dallas with Madison's brownie troop today. We went to Medieval Times. Had a great time. Mason thought it was all sooooo cool! Then on our way home we had a flat tire :( Not to bad Todd fixed it pretty quick! But he neat thing was I had just said "we need to take pictures of the kids in the bluebonnets! Well as I got us off the road and stopped. I looked around the field was empty. But just up on top of the hill there they were!!!! The kids were so excited! And yes we left Todd to the tire and off we went with camera in hand!!! So now I share some of our flowers! OH and we did not pick any so don't send out the police LOL! We only pretended!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Molly had her first haircut today. She is so cute. I had several ask me to post a picture so here she is.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Great Hunt!

Sunday after a wonderful morning worship service we had a Easter egg hunt. The Kids big and small had a great time! Mason and Madison found close to 100 eggs together. They, along with Todd, were the last ones out there. Checking and double checking the field for eggs. They found a couple with quarters and a couple with dollars. They had so much fun even with coats on in 40 degree weather. When we got home we emptied all the eggs in the living room floor. Molly then had a blast! Then the fun had to come to an end. Mason was putting his money in his piggy bank and crash! He slipped and fell. The pig shattered all over the living room. And Mason had a large gash on his hand. Yes, yet again he has stitch's. He was a big boy and did really good. He says his new nickname is stitch LOL! Hope you all had a HOPPY EASTER!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Let it Snow!

Well, No April Fools joke here. It snowed a little in Wichita today, But Lufkin got all the fun. Here are a few pics of my nieces and nephew. On friday they played in the sandbox with 68 degree weather. Today Saturday they played in 30 degree weather in the snow! Thats Texas for you! Wish we would have gotten more :(.


Yeah I finally have my picture with my name!!!! Todd finally fixed it for me. thanks Babe!!! Congrats to John and Brenda on their new calling! See Sis Elms blog for the low down! And Congrats to Jeanie :) We are excited! But you can ask her why we are excited :)

Friday, April 6, 2007

The Hunt is ON!!!!

Yesterday the kids had egg hunts at school. They had so much fun! Thought I would share a few pics of all the fun. Since Madison and Darren have class together I was able to get pics of him to. They are warmed up and ready for Sunday. The GREAT EGG HUNT with over 1000 eggs. Some with $$$$$! Last night we filled eggs at the church for Sunday! Molly found one egg and got in on all the fun! She likes to play hide and seek!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Happy April Fools Day!!!!!

Molly and Ginger

Well, Ginger is very happy in her new home. On Saturday I went to pick my sis up for conf., and ginger had made herself at home. My sis said she came home after teaching friday and ginger was looking for Lauren. It was so sweet. It will be neat to see how molly and ginger act when we go for a visit. Molly on the other hand got spoiled by Todd while I was gone. She slept with him or the kids every night. She also went to work with him after lunch. I can tell Molly grew a little while I was gone. She has also gotten more playful. Tonight we played ball and she caught it and brought it back over and over. She was excited to see me when I got home. Well, can't wait for awsome church in the morning. The picture is of my niece with ginger.