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Friday, January 11, 2008

First flight!

As most of you know at home we flew out today for my grandmothers funeral. We drove to Dallas and flew to Kansas City Mo. The kids were so excited they have never flown. I knew they would be ok because the love roller coasters. And they did great! The Pilot invited them to the cockpit before we took off and explained the plane and showed them all his gadgets. It was really special! They earned their wings! Here are a few pics to share the special occasion. I hate that there 1st flight is for a funeral but they didn't care they were ready to go. My Big mom Shaw went home to be with the Lord last Sunday. She will be placed to rest next to my grandfather and I bet they are dancing around the throne as we speak! They were missionaries to Alaska and great ministers throughout Texas and La. and Mo. All over! I am proud to say I am 4th generation Pentecostal. In the Shaw family of Big Mom down to the great grand kids there are 63 of us and all have the holy Ghost and live for the Lord!!! That is soooo awesome.


Christina said...

Well the kids all look so excited just don't know that I would. Pray ya'll have a safe trip all the way around.

Madison S. said...

Thank you for your prayers
Aw if you like roller coasters then you would have no problem flying!

Linda Elms said...

I'm so glad ya'll made it safely and that the kids had a grea time. It is very special for them to "speak with the pilot" these days. I trust you are all doing fine. I'm so sorry for your loss here on earth, but heaven is rejoicing for another precious woman of God to be "home"! "In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore." All of your family living for God is awesome! I commend all those who have had a part in "bringing them up in the fear of the Lord". Ya'll enjoy being with the family, but hurry home! Love you!!!!

Michelle said...

The kids looked like they had fun! Molly is doing good, having a blast with Abigail! Miss you!