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Saturday, August 23, 2008

On Hold!

Blogging is on the back burner for a few days. We are helping a family in our church for the next few days. Their house was flooded last Tuesday and a lot of work has to be done. Keep the Pursel family in your prayers. It is a very stressful time for them. Again life tabernacle has showed how awesome they are. The last 2 days 50-75 different saints have been in and out helping with the clean up. Its just great to have an awesome church family that is willing to help. Bro. Zach and Bro. Eddi came and mowed the yards of not only the Pursel's but several neighbors. McDonalds, Pats, Starbucks, Mcalisters, and the Kurani Hotels have helped in so many ways. From food to ice and drinks. I know the Pursel family really appreciates everything. Most of all your prayers so keep them going. I will be back to blog our vacation in a few days. Love you all in blog world thanks for understanding.

1 comment:

Keith and Carla said...

Sorry to hear about the Pursel's house flooding, but yes, it is awesome to have a church family like Life Tabernacle!!!