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I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dinner table

Fun at the dinner table. Tonight I cooked again! LOL That would be my 3rd meal this week I cooked. I only have 3 more IPhone meal deals to go LOL! Well back to the meal....we laughed and laughed and laughed! My sides still hurt! I cooked Italian meatballs and we had a nice salad. Todd and I started in a rendition of on top of old smoky all covered with cheese I lost my poor meatball. The kids laughed they had never heard this one before. The meal went very silly from there. They came up with all kinds of stuff. But the greatest part was they began talking about going door knocking tomorrow and church on Sunday and how to invite more people to church. I love living for God and that my kids are so excited about living for God. Of course then it got funny again. Todd thought Mason was threw eating (he wasn't) and he reached over and took his last meatball. Well that sent the kids into their own rendition of I lost my poor meatball. It kinda went like this.....
On top of my plate all covered in sauce
I lost my poor meatball to my daddy
he reached with his fingers and
plucked up my meatball
into his mouth and down to his belly
I lost my poor meatball never to see it again

They loved this one and we laughed so hard it was great! Making many memories and living for God! What could be better than that...... uhm.....nothing!


Karla said...

Sounds like dinner in the Holley household. I'm glad y'all had a wonderful time!

Lynda said...

I agree nothing could be better. LOL

Linda Elms said...

Cute, fun times! I enjoyed them with you today. Love ya'll!

Keith and Carla said...

I love these kind of moments at the dinner table!!! Wouldn't trade them for anything!

Roxana said...

So priceless! See, maybe cooking is paying off on more things than your phone!

Madison S. said...

haha we have lots of fun at restaurants also I will blog a picture off my Iphone when I figure out how