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I hope you enjoy following along with the happening of our life as we make memories!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Field Day!

The kids had a great day! They did great in their events. And the funny part is they did as good as all the other kids who asked, "how will you do that in a skirt?" Then later told Madison you can do anything in a skirt can't you! Of course she wasn't bothered by their comments she knew what she could do! Mason was the only little boy in jeans and a few made comments but one of his friends said, "he doesn't have to dress like us he is cool the way he is and hey he will not skin his knees if he falls down. I love what kids come up with!


Lynda said...

Train them up in the way they should go......

I think that is wonderful. You have beautiful children inside and out.

Karla said...

I know kids can be cruel sometimes - but the things these kids came up with is awesome.

Madison & Mason, I'm proud of y'all for standing for how you have been taught. You are wonderful kids!

Michelle said...

How wonderful! They are the BEST looking kids in the pics! I love the one with Madison sticking her tongue out with the teacher!

Madison S. said...

I was so proud of them. They had not one complaint about the way they dressed. They never even asked to wear anything else. Madison t/o the year has had papers sent home that said jeans day she would cross it out and write skirt. She is such a HAM!!!! And yes the picture with her teacher.....Well that is just Mrs. Dawkins....She is so much fun and even though the kids get a little wild she hangs in with them!

Linda Elms said...

It's wonderful for Mason and Madison to have friends who like them just the way they are! That's great!