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Thursday, May 22, 2008

4 More DAYS!

YEAH!  We are off work Monday!  Next week is field day, fun day, do nothing day, and clean out your desk day!  4 more days and we are done!!!!!!  I can't wait for this school year to be over!  The kids are ready to be home or go and play on the land.  Wish we didn't even have to go next week I am done!  oh really I only have 3 days left I am off next Wednesday for an appointment!  Yeah the days keep getting shorter!!!!

1 comment:

Linda Elms said...

Julie, I don't even have kids in school and I look forward to the kids being out! LOL! Summer is a fun time for everyone. I'm glad it's almost over for ya'll. I don't know where the rest of the year went, but it's gone. Now, we look forward to some great days ahead. Love ya'll!