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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Praise The Lord

Thank you all for your many prayers!!!!! Here is my miracle report! As several knew I had been sick and my asthma had been really bad. I would cough so hard my whole body ached. And I would just gasp for breath. At night was the worst. I could not even sing in worship service w/o coughing and wheezing Sunday. Just to talk would set me off into a coughing tangent. I know the devil was working on me because every time I tried to worship it would happen. I would get so out of breath I felt like saying whats the use even after being prayed for. Well I told the devil to back off and asked God to help me. Then I was motioned to the platform to praise sing I said Ok God its up to you! Because there is nooooo way I can sing and cough and wheeze at the same time, but I get such a blessing when I am using my talents for the Lord and I just couldn't give in to the devil! Well the service was awesome and the power of God took over. I must say I have hardly even sneezed since I put everything I had into my worship fighting the whole way. I have grown up trusting in the power of God and know he can do anything! But sometimes the devil just sneaks in and tries to rain on your parade. Don't let the devil rain on you just put up your Holy Ghost umbrella and laugh in his face! Let your HG umbrella bring you though and always remember the SON will shine again! Please keep my Mom in your prayers she is fighting this same asthma stuff and having a rough time of it! Also my dad is having some trouble. They think he may have a intestinal blockage or twist please be in prayer that the medicines he is now on will reverse this and further procedures will not have to be taken. This has happened before and it is really hard on him so please be in prayer. This all stems back to previous surgeries. We know a God who can do anything! Nothing is to big or small!!!! Thank you for your prayers!


Linda Elms said...

THANK GOD! He is working miracles and it's so wonderful to see Him at work in our lives! Thank you for this GREAT report...about our ON-TIME GOD! Love you!

Michelle said...

God is so good!! This story is wonderful, thanks for sharing. We will be keeping your parents in prayer, love you!