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Monday, September 17, 2007

Cool Science

The 6th graders that I work with did an awesome science project on friday. I told them I would blog it! Hope everyone enjoys


Roxana said...

What did they add to what? I like messy explosions!

Madison S. said...

Diet coke and mentos---youtube has a really awesome one that some show called myth busters did itis like a bellagio fountain. just google diet coke and mentos.....but if you can find the uncandy coated mentos they go even higher. But we used the candy coated ones strung on a string and dropped them down into it. Just be ready to run! Altoids might work the same??? have fun and let us know!

Roxana said...

I knew there was something Diet Coke was good for :} We will maybe try this on the weekend. Brianna's friends still ask to play with flubber anytime they come over!

Madison S. said...

Have fun make sure you can run! It comes out fast!

Roxana said...

Is the bottle full, or do we need to drink some first?

Madison S. said...

no don't drink any open it and drop the mentos right in and RUN!